日本財団 図書館


b-2 Waterfront Residents
Residential development in the Waterfront area has yet to commence, however, future plans to supply approximately 1,800 housing units are being considered. Assuming that two people will on average live in each housing unit, it is forecast that the area will have a resident population of 3,600. It is considered that this residential development will mainly consist of medium-to-high-density town houses and apartments and that the price range will be on the expensive side.
3)Trips to Corridor other than the Waterfront
[Outline of ICS and Foreshore Development]
Below is shown the outline of plans to develop the ICS/Power Station site and the district of Foreshore.
(ICS/Power Station District)
Commercial land: 33,000 m2
Offices: 72,000 m2
Hotels: 20,000 m2
Housing: 30,000 m2
Total: 155,000m2
(Foreshore District)
Offices: 77,000 m2
Total: 77,000m2
c-l Commuter Trip Potential
Seeking the numbers of employees in the two districts in the same way as before, it is estimated that around 5,100 employees will commute to the ICS/Power Station district and around 2,800 will commute to Foreshore.
c-2 Shopping, etc. Trip Potential
Assuming the same shop pulling power as that in the Waterfront area, it is assumed that the shopping, etc. trip potential to the ICS/Power Station district will be approximately 33,000 people per day.




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